And if those problems aren't addressed by the developers (don't take their word for it guys.test it out to make sure), it's quite simple.don't release the game. If problems are reported, don't ignore them. They need to expand their beta testing department (I volunteered for this years ago and have tested a grand total of 3 games) and actually listen to their testers' reports. BFG needs to stop worrying about pushing out new games every day and concentrate on offering games that will actually run. They ARE great about issuing credits for poorly coded games, but the problem is, so many are bad, it's a struggle to use those credits on games that actually function. When a customer's computer is shown to have the latest drivers, Direct X, Flash, etc., and the games still won't run, that's where it stops. Felix" which is nothing more than a truncated "Speccy" or "Belarc advisor". Customer support replies with canned answers, wanting everyone to submit a "Dr. In other words, their "beta testing" is a joke and not because the people who are trying the games aren't doing their jobs. Beta testers are reporting that issues that were reported were never addressed. Not a bad concept, except the games they are putting out are buggy. Huge annoyance, and one that is ultimately going to cost them customers and reputation, is they are pushing out new games everyday. In the past few years, heavy emphasis has been placed on "hidden object" games, arguably the most popular genre, but because so many games are of this genre, many are mislabeled as "adventure" games to try to even out the glut. Initially, BFG offered games that had been thoroughly tested and also had a variety of offerings. I am a long time member, buying from them from the time the company started. That said, I will move on to my complaints about BFG. Every game that was detected as a virus by my antivirus program was later found to be a "false positive" (not really a virus but the software thought so. Also, some antivirus programs may erroneously tag game executables as a virus because of BFG's habit of giving them names that are random letters.

However, some games take a lot of RAM (memory) to run, so if your computer is lacking in that area, it's going to slow to a crawl with some of their games. Big Fish Games does not distribute malware (games laden with viruses, spyware, adware, etc.). First, I want to address a couple of fallacies I have seen on here.